Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday morning update

"Only" lost 1.4 pounds this week. I had a few rough patches, some halloween candy, a late night poker game, spending the day in the city with the wife, etc. So overall I'm OK with the results this week, but I'll be tightening things up this week, more veggies...

Weight Average: 194.68 - loss of 1.4 pounds this week (12.12 lbs total)

Measurements (Losses/Gains are for the week, not total)
Neck 14.875- Loss of 1/8"
Chest 40- Loss of 5/8"
R. Bicep 14.125 - Loss of 1/8"
Gut 37.25 - Loss of 3/4" (YEAH BABY)
Waist 37.625 - Loss of 3/8"
Thigh 23.50 - Loss of 3/8"

So I tried to play Racquetball on Friday, and my elbow has been telling me that wasn't a good idea since then. I'm probably going to need a cortisone shot and some physical therapy to get it to 100%. I'm going to start weightlifting later this week, I think my head muscle is ready.

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