You may all think that Billy is the pioneer of our family's fitness, but in fact, he is not. Our older half-brother, Tom, has been fit for decades (he's now in his 50's). Both he and his wife have been (and still are) into exercise, doing triatholons, lifting weights, eating healthy, the whole deal. If you saw them, you would think they are in their late 30's, early 40's. In fact, when I was pushing maximum density, people would see the two of us and ask who the older brother was (he's 17 years older than me, yikes). Not a fun time for yours truly.
Why do I mention all of this? Because I used to look at Tom and his wife and think to myself "Wow, I could never do what they are doing." And I just realized how defeatest and ridiculous that thought was. Both Tom and his wife work, they have two children, they are living a normal life, yet they managed to make health and fitness a priority. Why can't I do the same, and do it for DECADES (not just this year, or for a "while")? They are truly an inspiration and an example of what can happen when you take care of yourself for a long time. What happens:
1. You tend to look much younger than you are.
1a. You tend to feel much younger than you are.
2. You can enjoy the time you have when your kids are grown, because you have the energy to do lots of the things you didn't do when you had kids (travel, play sports, etc)
3. You don't have as many health problems as people who treat themselves like shit.
4. People ask you if you are younger than your much younger brother/sister.
Something to think about...