Monday, December 3, 2007

Monthly Update: November

Things that went well

So this month went pretty well, I lost 7.5 pounds. My measurements went down as well, and I'm starting to look and feel better. We went and had some family pictures taken this past weekend, and I'm really happy with how they came out. For a long time I avoided the camera at all costs, so it's nice to have a picture with me included in it!

Things to improve

I started to drift away from the veggies. I'm eating a lot of fruit, but no more salads, and not much other veggies either. I'm going to try to get back on the veggie train. Also, my knees are aching a little bit, I've got to keep an eye on that.


Weight as of 12/3: 188.68
Total Weight Lost: 18.12 lbs (7.5 this month)

Total reduction in measurements as of 12/3
Neck: 1.5 inches
Chest: 3.25 inches
Bicep: 1.875 inches
Gut: 5.375 inches
Waist: 3.125 inches
Thigh: 1 inch


billy said...

This is great progress man.

There's no better feeling than not hating yourself in pictures.

Rob Tucker said...

7.5 pounds in a month is awesome. VERY cool!

Melissa said...

Congrats on the 7.5 pounds. That is great!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude,, you are king. I will stop by this weekend and chill wit you. Call you on the cell later.