Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Banging out the weights

Have you ever seen the movie Casual Sex? It's an 80's movie that is otherwise forgettable, except for the fact that Andrew "Dice" Clay has a role as a slimy single guy. The best scene in the movie is set in the gym, and Dice is trying to impress the ladies. So he picks up some dumbbells and starts doing curls and yelling "Duuusssshhhh, Duuussshhhh". I know, it's not funny in print, but it is hilarious in the movie. If it's ever on late nite cable, check it out.

Anyway, I bring this up because I felt like Dice on Monday and today at the gym. I think I did indeed gain some muscle last week, as I've been able to move up significant amounts of weight in almost every exercise, which feels good. Nice to see some progress.

Goals to come, I swear...


billy said...

You'd better be gaining muscle, there's gonna be a flex-off at the birthday party.

Did you find all the stuff you need for the shakes? I can send you links if you want.

Kristen said...

Glad to see you're still at it. Of course, I can't imagine Billy allowing you to quit just yet anyways.

Will you be posting your pics?

Btw...I have the same problem with hummus. I eat way too much of it and not with carrots...with bread...bad bad bad! It's great with chicken though.

Good luck with your goals. I look forward to seeing your progress!

Ripx180 said...

Hey Jay, thanks for sharing your journey with us. You've got a great guy to question/ask advice of when you get stuck etc. Billy is living the dream :). I hear you on the kid shows and music rotting your brain. I think my brain must resemble a plate of corn beef hash thats been sitting out for too long. I love TJ hummus also. Its really good mixed with black beans. I also like it mixed with tuna instead of mayo. Or as a veggie dip, tons of good stuff you can do with it. Theres just tons of good stuff at TJs. Anyway sorry for rambling, looking forward to reading your blogs.

Rob Tucker said...

Hey, welcome aboard. Glad to see that Billy's inspired you to do this, it's definitely the best move for your future, and your family's future.

Billy did this with hard work, dedication and attention to detail - and you've got one hell of a teammate over there. I'll be keeping this blog on my list to keep you accountable.

Here's the next success story!

BrotherJay said...

Billy, I haven't looked for the shake stuff yet, I'll let you know if I need help finding it.

Kristen, I'm working on a picture, first I have to clear all the pics of my kids off the camera...