Sunday, September 23, 2007


So after getting back on the downward track, now, all of a sudden and for no reason that I can figure, I went right back up in weight. Culminating in today's weight of 205.4, exactly the weight I started at 2 weeks ago. I'm beyond frustrated at this point, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Other than that, I am just speechless.

Here are my most recent weights. Mind you, I've done very well nutritionally, except for the one day mentioned in a previous post:


I just don't know what is going on...


Ripx180 said...

I think all of us experience this... The old 3 steps forward 2 steps back. Do the 5 average like your bro does it helps even out the spikes. It will come back off. Fast gained pounds are lost fast too. I am a pro at that, been loosing the last 5 lbs over and over. This next week I am loosing some new ones.

Jim McCoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob Tucker said...

(PS: That deleted comment was mine, I was in my buddy's account helping edit his blog. Whoops. Back to your regularly scheduled blog comment).

Your body is going to adjust a ton during the first few months of this. Everyone's body works differently - lucky for you it seems like yours is just normal.

Start writing down your calories if you haven't, and maintain a workout log. At least for the first few weeks, maybe month or so. Also record your weight that day on this.

You'll start to see trends - for example: when I did this, I saw that days I was high on carbs and low on water intake, I'd raise a few pounds. I'd follow that up wit high water, low carbs, high protein, and it would come back off.

That works for me - it may or may not for you.

No one ever stayed fat by working out and eating right. Don't let that number on the scale freak you out.

If it makes you feel better, your brother went through the exact same thing, as did I. It's totally normal, although that won't ease the frustration.

Your choices are "keep going" or "stop", and you already know which one is better for you. Hang in there, man.

billy said...

Yeah, all you can do is be persistent, make tweaks as you go, and the pounds will start to come off. Honestly, it's normal to put on a few pounds of muscle in the first month, especially if you haven't worked out in a while.

Marcol said...

It happens just stay consistent and youll reap the benefits. Be encouraged!

Kristen said...

Even though you're probably putting on muscle, I think you should have seen some weight loss by now (especially because you're just starting out and you're a guy). I know this will fluctuate, but I think it's possible that you're taking in too many calories. Of course I'm saying this having no idea what you're eating. It's just something that I've seen a lot of with myself and others. Most people would agree that it's 60 - 80% diet when it comes to weight loss.

Rob's right on. Log everything you eat for a week and you might see some trends...especially relating to your carb intake.

Jim McCoy said...

Hi, I'm the newest FAT member, well hopefully. We've all been through this. I spent three weeks going back and forth between two fifty and two fifty three. All you can do is keep at what you're doing, have some faith, and get through eventually. It's not what you want to hear, and it's not fair, but that's life sometimes, I guess.

billy said...

How are you doing over there? Aside from your weigh-ins, how do you FEEL?

Kristen said...

Billy's right, of course...not that he made this statement exactly :)

If you're feeling better, then the number on the scale doesn't really matter for now. Feeling good will provide momentum into making the number go down eventually.

swankywanker said...

After losing an initial 5 lbs, I stalled out for almost a month. Man, it is discouraging not to see immediate results. But two things.

1. Everyone here kept cheering me on and making sure I stuck with it.

2. I got through that flat patch and have been steadily losing since.

You have the tools to do this. Keep banging away and you will get there.

Oh, and your brother, well it's almost obnoxious how much he knows. He has a really big brain. Pick it.

billy said...

dude, where you at? what's goin on?

Marcol said...

Hey Jay, where are you checkin' in for a new post. I hope youre still hangin in there. As others have said this that you blogged about happens. The key is to just STICK with it, youll be greatly rewarded if you do.