Thursday, September 20, 2007

Metbolic Drive = Angry

203 today, a loss of 1.2 lbs. Nice.

So John Bernardi is full of good info, but he also likes to sell the products he had a hand in developing, one of which is a protein shake mix called Metabolic Drive. Before I ordered it, I had been using Designer Whey to make my protein shakes, with some success. So last week, I made a shake with the MD, and I noticed that after I drank it, I was in a very bad mood. This was evening, so I chalked it up to being tired. But today I had an MD shake around 2 and by 3:30 I was pretty fired up, in a very angry mood. It has to be something with the MD, it is a STRONG feeling.

Has anyone had this experience? Does anyone use this stuff? I think I'm going to have to throw it out, I can't use it.


billy said...

Nice work on the weight loss. Have you seen the weight loss spreadsheet I use? I have no idea why MD would cause anger? That's really odd. Chalk it up to something that doesn't work for you. A lot of this is about trial and error, and finding out what works and what doesn't.

BrotherJay said...

Yes, I'm using that spreadsheet. Do you want this stuff?

billy said...

Nah, I don't think I really need it, as it's designed more for non-workout shakes which I don't really drink. What do you make your shakes with, a blender?