Friday, September 28, 2007

I hate my scale

Before I started on this journey, I bought a digital scale to replace my old scale, which was reliable but hard to read. So this morning I step on it and it tells me 204.6. Then I move it a little, step back on and I'm 202.8. Then I move it again, I'm 204.4. I then step on the manual scale, which is pretty consistantly 2 pounds lighter than the digital, and it says 201, which should translate to 203 on the digital.

So how much do I weigh? Given my struggles, this is the last thing I need.

I'm strongly considering replacing this digital scale, does anyone have any recommendations?


billy said...

A lot of people have gone through the replacing the scale thing, and it's a pain in the ass apparently. If you digi is that inconsistent, consider going back to the analog? If you do go scale shopping, look for one that will give you the exact same reading shen you step on it a few times consecutively. I think mine might be a little off, but it is consistent.

Kristen said...

I agree with Billy. Look at the big picture. You're fine as long as it's going down consistenly.

This is a good argument for using the 5 day average though.

I personally use an analog scale, but I know its quirks, so I'm sticking with it.

BrotherJay said...

The only problem with the analog is that you can't really get a solid reading off of it. It is consistant, but I can't tell if I'm 201, 201.5, or 201.8. And when you weigh daily, that is kinda important. But I may try it for a week before spending even more money on a scale...

Anonymous said...

Wow, all you have to do to lose weight is move the scale around?
Sorry, I've done it myself.

As long as you're using the same scale all of the time the only thing that really matters is that it keeps going down.

Marcol said...

I normally use a digital scale but one key is to keep it in the same place. Moving it around is going to give inconsistent readings based upon whether the floor is even or not. The slightest variation the floor changes the reading. Ive found once I keep it in a central location my readings are consistent daily.

Kristen said...

I use a rather complicated method of weighing myself. I first move the scale to my favorite spot and then step on it using my heels only...while I'm holding the counter. Then I move one hand to the wall, and then I let go of the counter with my other hand. Then I lower my toes to the scale and release the wall.

Yes, it's crazy, but that's the way I've always done it. I realize that it doesn't change my actual weight. I don't even know if it is different than what it would be if I were to just step on. I do know that it's gone down consistently over the past year or so. It's not giving me false positives of 65 lbs gone :) doctor's scale is pretty consistent with the numbers from my scale.

swankywanker said...

hahaha Kristen, you're a nut. But everyone is right. The scale won't give you the same number every time, but it won't be too far off. As long as you're consistent in how you use it, it should give you an accurate sense of your progress.