Thursday, September 27, 2007

Keeping Track

Weight is going back down, was 204 this morning, which is great considering there was a fairly major eating binge on Monday.

So I used to track my calories yesterday and it came out that I ate 2100 calories. This is interesting on several points:

1. I really didn't eat that much yesterday compared to other days on this program. so I bet during the first couple of weeks, when I was eating more, I was probably up around 2500/3000 calories, no wonder I wasn't losing weight!
2. Nutritiondata does not agree with the calorie counts that the Meta Advantage book has. Nutritiondata thinks the recipes I have entered have more calories than the book says. hmmmmm.....

On another note, I've started eating the Optimum Power cereal that you can get at TJ's. I like how it tastes, but I also like that after I'm done eating it, I can yell "OPTIMUM POWER" as loud as I want. Try it, it's fun.


Kristen said...

Yeah...the answer's almost always in the calories consumed :)

Glad you figured it out now instead of after a couple of months of beating your head up against the wall.

billy said...

Although at 2500 calories starting out you should be losing, but you hafta learn what works for you. Optimum power rules, I like to add some blueberries and a banana, and recently, I've been mixing it with this all natural meuselix stuff. I wouldn't eat it every day though. I also have eggs and chicken sausage, or a fruit and whey protein shake, or oatmeal.

BrotherJay said...

I agree, not every day for the optimum power, but it's a nice break from the daily eggs.