Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Greetings from Wisconsin

So I'm on a business trip in Madison WI. I've been here since Monday, leaving Thursday. Here is what it took to stay on course while traveling:

1. Well, first of all, I'm not going to try to eat out all four days, so I needed to find a hotel room with a kitchen. Residence Inn, here I come.

2. Ok, now you have a kitchen, but we need food. So I need to book my flight to arrive early so I have time to get to the Whole Foods that I've located here in Madison. Made up a list with everything I'd need for the four days.

3. Gotta work out, right? So found a Y that let me work out there for free! But instead of going out to dinner with everyone from the meeting, I have to go work out after the grueling, brain deadening all day meetings, then come back to the hotel room and eat.

4. Oh, and don't forget to bring some lunch to the meeting in case they decide to bring in a disaster of a lunch like they did today. Three kinds of pasta, that's it. No salad, no fruit, just pasta. Good thing I brought a healthy lunch just in case, which I ate instead. Oh, And you better eat breakfast at the hotel, because all they have are bagals and cream cheese (nope, no fruit).

5. Also, better pack snacks as well, because all they put out for an afternoon snack are giant cookies and soda. Jesus! No fruit again. So I fill my laptop bag with apples, nuts and protein bars. During the meeting today, I saw a 250 lb woman have a cookie and a Pepsi as a snack. Can you think of anything with less nutritional value than that?

It took so much work to put myself in the position where I could work out, and more importantly, where I wouldn't be forced to eat the shit they put out for breakfast and lunch, and I didn't need to go out to dinner every night and fight temptation. It took a shit load of planning, but it was worth it, because I leave tomorrow and I've been on track the whole trip. I've got all my travel food packed already. It's just a matter of priorities...


billy said...

(slow clap)

Bravo, well played sir.

Seriously, most people would "do the best they could" in that situation, which invariably would be less than ideal. Sounds like you didn't miss a step the whole way. Good job.

Geoff said...

That's awesome, your level of commitment is definitely high. Thankfully I don't have to travel for my job, but I don't know if I would be that vigilant. Bravo.

Ripx180 said...

Now thats some F-n focus and dedication. Your a pillar man. I'm also standing there doing the slow clap with Billy. Nice work!

Rob Tucker said...

That's golden, man. You didn't settle - hell, you didn't even accept it. You changed it. That's freaking awesome.

Anonymous said...

What they said. The next time my office hosts an event I am definitely lobbying for more healthful snacks. You're committment level is huge.